Monica Reed
June 04 2024

We are very pleased to announce that the rollout for version 6.4 of Case Manager has commenced.

This latest version contains many new features and enhancements. Some new and notable additions include:

Custom Field Enhancements

It is now possible to duplicate existing Custom Field configurations via the Web Version of Case Manager. With this option, a new Custom Field is created and all properties from the original Custom Field are copied.

To enhance the customisation options for cases, Custom Fields can now be added to other areas of Case Manager, such as:

  • The Case Details Tab: A dedicated Custom Fields section can be added to this tab to store relevant case details.
  • Documents: A list of Custom Fields can be appended to document entries.
  • Activities: A set of Custom Fields can be added to your Activity List to store relevant cost details.

This allows you to better tailor the fields on your cases to best suit your business needs.

Bulk Download PDF Invoices

In the Web Version, the Invoice Batch Utility features a new option that allows you to export your invoices to PDF in two different ways:

  • You can export all invoices as a single PDF.
  • You can export all invoices as separate PDFs.

This is helpful if you need to upload individual invoices to a claiming or provider portal.

Enhanced Merge Field Scope

The Merge Fields feature has been enhanced to also work for SMS and Plain Text templates.

You can now pull data from across Case Manager to assist with pre-filling either of these template types.

Email Address Tiling

When composing an Email in the Web Version, the recipient’s email address will be rendered as a ‘Tile’ that displays the full name of the contact:

This is to make email addresses easier to read, delete, and manage.

Web Version Scalable Modals

In the Web Version of Case Manager, Modals are pop-up sections that appear over your original screen. As seen when sending emails or previewing transactions.

These pop-ups used to be a fixed size. However, you can now expand, drag, and adjust these Modals to better fit your screen.

But this is not all, for a full list of the new features and enhancements, or more information on the topics listed above, please see the following link:

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